February 26, 2011

community garden plot

Yay yay yay yay! We got a community garden plot!!

February 19, 2011

apple sauce

A friend of ours has a winter fruit CSA with Grant Family Farms. Since it is winter and all, that means he gets a lot of apples. He recently shared some of his bounty with us. (thanks! we owe you!) What do you do when you have a lot of apples? Make apple sauce, of course. Next up, apple pie!

February 5, 2011

sourdough starter

I recently purchase sourdough starter in a silent auction. You can start sourdough on your own just by letting flour and water sit out to absorb whatever wild yeast spores are in the air. We've done that before but we gave up because the flavor wasn't all that impressive. The sourdough starter that I purchased in the silent auction, however, has a delicious smell. It must be pretty resilient too because it is said to be 150 years old!

Today I used it to make a sourdough rye bread. Yum yum yum yummm... Excuse me while I get back to eating the entire loaf.

February 3, 2011

curing olives

I picked a quart of olives when I was in Tempe this past weekend. I'm trying a water-curing cycle which will be followed by brine-curing (instructions). The options made me think--brine-curing food just makes so much sense if you live near a body of salt water.

crystallized ginger

I'm a ginger fiend. I like my chai and ginger snaps to be overpowering with ginger. So, I made crystallized ginger the other day, using Alton Brown's recipe. It was surprisingly easy. Watch close, because the moment the liquid sugar recrystallizes happens in the blink of an eye. I made some delicious ginger snaps using this homemade crystallized ginger.

Boiling it:

February 1, 2011

raw taco salad

Yet another attempt at raw food here. I soaked pistachios and walnuts for a day. Then I ground them up with red onion, carrot, and taco seasoning and made a salad of local greenhouse arugula and non-local red peppers.

I definitely enjoyed this meal. Nuts + taco seasoning = success. Though crunchy tortilla chips would have made it even better...